Our Services

What Can We Do

Our Services

Tasmanian Hearing offers a large range of services to look after all yours and your families hearing care needs. We are here to help. Our mission is to make the journey easy for you and the significant others in your life.

Diagnostic Hearing Tests

Full detailed assessment with a specialised audiologist to identify the exact nature and extent of your hearing loss.
hearing care

Personalised Hearing Care Solutions

For all types of hearing loss. we will ask lots of detailed questions regarding your individual hearing loss needs and work out the most appropriate solution for you and your budget. We really love and welcome it if you can bring your significant other with you.

Paediatric Services

Hearing loss assessment, auditory processing disorder (APD) management, hearing aids and management.

Middle Ear and Acoustic Reflex Threshold Assessments

Middle ear and central diagnostic complications are also managed at Tasmanian Hearing.

Bluetooth Technology

Easy to use and fun for everybody. Access TV, social media and podcast through your hearing aid/or cochlear implant device. The hearing impaired population now has a competitive advantage over the normal hearing population.
hearing aid

Hearing Aid/Cochlear Implant Technology 

Your hearing assessment results will determine the most appropriate – gold standard - rehabilitation necessary to meet a hearing care needs. This process can be long and complex but is necessary for a good outcome. He offer a wide variety of hearing aid and implant brands and technology to assist us in choosing the best solution for you.

Hearing Technology Repairs, Batteries and Maintenance 

Our office is open full time, come in at any time for a quick clean and check of your device(s).
hearing aid set

Follow up Consultations and Adjustments

Annual hearing assessments are always a great way to keep up with good hearing and improved outcomes. Follow ups are an important process in the fitting of any hearing aid and/or cochlear implant device.

Ear Toilet/Syringing 

Can use manual or water strategies to remedy ear wax complications.
ear plugs

Hearing protection equipment and advice

Our audiologists can take custom ear impressions for inhouse or professional noise or musicians ear protection plugs. Noise level metres are also available for recreational or workplace noise level testing as required.

Swim plugs

Custom impressions taken in house, in children we advise that these be replaced annually, in adults bi-annually. 
swim plugs
eye check up

Balance Management

Dr Kellie M. Walker is able to assess and manage most balance/vestibular complications. The most common procedure performed is the management of BPPV.

Our History 

Tasmanian Hearing commenced operations in Launceston Tasmania in 1977 - previously owned by Alston and Jayne Shapter - Kellie bought the practise in 1990. Alston and Jayne passed on their focus on excellence in patient care, continued education and training and commitment to the hearing impaired population which continues to this very day.
Our head office is conveniently located at Burnie’s new medical precinct (next to the Bunnings complex) in South Burnie.
Tasmanian Hearing is independent owned and operated, we source, service and repair hearing aids and cochlear implant devices from all major manufacturers. We primarily work with four major hearing aid manufactures and three cochlear implant partners who provide us with exceptional hearing aid and implant technology.
We utilise state-of-the-art technology and equipment to assist us in the testing, diagnosis and treatment of hearing problems. At Tasmanian Hearing you will have access to a variety of treatment options, including, high performing hearing aid technology and cochlear implant products.
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